Neil Bowen on
2009 - David Tennant
Director Gregory Doran’s modern-dress Hamlet
Shot through security camera (theme of surveillance is heavily hinted at in this production) who we assume is controlled by Polonbuis and claudis however in the famous scene where Ophelia confront Hamlet, they suddenly move making the audience question who is actually controlling them and further puts into question of whos in charge of elsinore.
Most of the actors at some point look straight into the security camera and address the audience - playing into the theme of a play within a play.
The set is minimalist and is mainly set in the throne room. The one prop tennant has is the skull in the grave diggers scene. The throne room is bare bar two thrones. And all the surfaces and black and reflective. The surfaces worp and ditort the objects shown in it- playing into the theme of appearance vs reality. The minimal use of colour and props/ set in such a big room early makes it appeare smaller and cage like for Hamlet - this is a key differ from other production of Hamlet which normally rely heavily on use of prop to help the audience understand the emotions of the characters.
The first thing the audience hears is drilling and construction noise - immediately alerting them that this is a country at war and is readily prepering itself for such.